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Thursday, October 22, 2020

Starting Day 8

 Today I don't have a lot to report. . . I haven't had a diet Mt. Dew (or any other diet drinks, for that matter) for seven full days - today is starting the eighth. I still don't like water. . . I ate very little yesterday - some tuna salad and some chicken salad.  That's it.  I know that isn't good.  But, honestly I wasn't that hungry.  I do take supplements (Juice+) that give me a daily amount of fruits and vegtables plus I take a vitamin B, D, and C among other things including zinc, elderberry, tumeric, and magnesium.  And while this isn't an exahustive list, you can see why I might not be hungry.  J/K :).  

I know I shouldn't do this, but I did hop on the scales again this morning.  I would have thought it would have been lower with the small amount of food from yesterday, but I could be wrong, but I think when you don't eat much your body tries to store fat or something like that.  I could be all wet about that.  In any case, my weight was down a little.  I am hoping to be below 300 next Weigh In Wednesday.  

I do think my joints feel some better, especially the last two days.  My lower back is the bigger issue right now.  I am working to get this relieved.  

They say stress can really affect your sugar.  Today, possibly, I can see how that might be true.  I woke up at 4:30 to use the restroom and decided to check my sugar level.  I was pleased at the number.  However, the morning took a rocky turn as my daughter and I had an episode before school which raised by blood pressure, to say the least.  Everything had calmed down by bus time, but it can be stressful.  When I checked my sugar again, it was 30 points higher than the 4:30 am reading.  There could be other reasons for it to have gone up.  But, you never know.  In the end the second number was somewhat lower than yesterday - which is still positive.  

When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy. - Psalm 94:19

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