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Friday, April 10, 2009

An Unwatchable Gift

So, last night the "Passion of the Christ" was show at the church. Our pastor has really wanted to show this movie during this period of the year and decided to see who else would like to see it. I was curious as well. A small group comprised of people of all ages showed up to watch. When asked, a lot had never seen the movie. I had heard a bunch of people who said they would rather NOT see it again due to the "disturbing" pictures they saw. So, the small group was not surprising to me. During the movie at least 5 people left. My guess is that it was just to graphic for them to watch. I understand. I have seen it numerous times and it seems to get worse for me each time. However, that got me to thinking just how much Christ must have cared for me and how much I take what He did for me for granted. Thank for, Jesus, for you truly unspeakable (and sometimes unwatchable) gift!

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