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Monday, July 25, 2011

How Embarassing

This is what happens when you don't see each other in the morning. I am not the "matching" type of guy.

Yet Another Video From Camp

Here is another video from camp I forgot to post . . .

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pictures from Wednesday At Camp

Here is today's video we showed to the campers.  Enjoy!

A Quick Update From Camp

Wednesday was a hot day - thankfully, we were able to go to the water slides to keep cool.  We are doing our best to keep hydrated and cool.  We had our "Camp Fire" inside in the A/C last night and had kids drink water before they left for their cabins.  We also had a "Digital Dash" last night where the cabins had to take pictures of themselves doing fun things.  You will get to see the video later we hope.  Today things get back to the regular schedule again.  We are looking to finish the week well.  Thanks for your prayers.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday's Update from Camp

Some cabin leaders who had to help with a song at camp fire.
Today is Water Slide Day at camp and we had a great time as usual.  Aaron Benner is in the camp to speak tonight at camp fire and Justin Fogle talked about camp in Hungary and was the "missionary" for today.  Jana continues to speak each day for Bible "class".  Tonight we have a picture taking activity where the cabins will go around camp and take pictures of their cabin doing different things.  I will be sure to post pictures/video about it soon.  It is hard to believe we have three days in and only two to go!  After a long afternoon at the slides, we could all use some extra prayers.  Tomorrow is Hawaiian Day so I am breaking out a new shirt!  

Tuesday's Camp Video

Tuesday Morning Video we showed at camp!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Jana Teaches at Camp

I am proud of my wife and the staff who are here this week at camp. God has blessed us a bunch! Jana has been talking on the theme "WHAT?!?". You will have to ask your kids, or Jana, what WHAT?!? is all about.

A Quiet Camp

The camp is quiet as all the campers have left for the lake. Jana and I are getting ready to leave as well. But, as I sit here in the quiet, I want to send a quick post to ask everyone to continue to pray fir the week. Many times, camp has been influential in people's lives. We just don't want to miss an opportunity. Thanks for your continued support.

Today's Video from Camp

Here is the video we will show at 9:40 AM today!

Popular Activity at Camp

Floor hockey is a very popular activity at camp! Everything has gone well so far. Thanks for your prayers. Today Del Benner will be at camp to speak during the mission time and Jana and the crew will continue teaching on "WHAT?!?". We will post a video with over 100 pics before lunch today.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sunday Night at Camp

The campers have arrived and the camp week has begun! After all the introductions and information, the kids have begun to get settled in. The kids have been put into teams for the weekly Bible memorization contest and had a preview of the weeks' theme. The camp fire speaker, Paul Beech, gave his testimony. Devotions in the cabins closed out the evening (We hope. We will find out shortly at staff meeting.)

Today is yellow clothing and sunglasses day and we will begin our "WHAT?!?" theme, where we will talk about some of the things in the Bible that make you say "What?!?". We will also hear from today's missionary, Paul Beech from Keys Ministries. After quiz practice and lunch we will have crafts, activities at the big field, and spend the rest of the afternoon at Raystown Lake. During free time there is opportunities to participate in individual athletic competitions. Tonight is quizzing, snacks and camp fire.

The above is the basic schedule all week. I will post a few pictures later today and then the daily video later tonight. Thanks for following us during our week at camp!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Camp Begins With Big Addition

Here is the new dining hall at camp. We will also use it for Bible class as well as it has a/c! Check back often this week to see pics and videos.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Muddy Shoes??

I noticed this sign at the District Justice Courtroom in Mifflintown, PA. They obviously had some issues with muddy shoes at some point? Only in Juniata County?!?

Health in Amazon
