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Monday, November 30, 2020

Is Healthy Lifestyle Really Expenseive?

Just so you know, eating low carb and dairy free, is definately expensive.  But, I was sitting and thinking about some ways this type of lifestyle is saving me some money as well.  I really is.  

Let's take the whole water thing for instance.  Soon after I started this diet, I ordered a cheeseburger sub (pre having to be dairy free) at our local Original Italian Pizza restaurant.  When the bill came, the waitress, who knows my favorite dishes quite well, commented, "Joel, this is probably the smallest bill amount I have ever made for you."  She was right!  She didn't charge for the bun that I didn't get and, I think the biggest savings was that I got free water.  Normally I would have picked up two Diet Mt. Dew bottles (2 for $3.00 plus tax).  When you subtract that from my bill, the savings begin to add up.  And, if you go most places you will pay $2.50 or more for a soda.  So, if I eat out three times a week (It used to be more.  More on that later.), That's a savings of at least $8.00 a week for 4 weeks or $32.00 a month!  

That doesn't sound like a lot, but, it helps.  And there is more.  I said I used to eat out more, I wasn't kidding.  It's much easier for us as a family to eat from home do to the dietary restrictions on all of us.  So, we have to be careful when we eat out.  Which means we don't eat out as much.  Even if we save on one meal a week, that's at least $30 per meal for the family multiplied by 4 weeks is $120.  Now we are up to $150.00 per month! 

But, it doesn't stop there. . . Pre lifestyle change I would stop at the local convenience store to pick up a breakfast sandwich or two and two Diet Mt. Dews (and that was when I was trying to save some money.  Usually I bought more than that.)  My bill was usually at least $9.00 or more.  Let's say I did this four days a week times 4 weeks, my monthly total was AT LEAST $144.  Now the savings is close to $300 a month.  

I am ashamed to say these things.  But, it is the truth.  There are more savings but this is enough for now.  I'll post again soon about it.  In the end, what is something you could give up if you had to change to a restrictive diet?  I dare you to be honest.  Share in the comments below if you would.  

Looking forward to Weigh-In Wednesday.  Thanks for following.  

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Weigh In Wednesday #6

 I realized today, Thanksgiving Day, that I hadn't posted on Weigh-In Wednesday.  So, as I take time today to be thankful today, I am also taking time to update you on my weight.  

So, as I expected, the weight loss has slowed down.  But, at least I haven't gained weight.  AND . . . I am under 290!!  My weight yesterday morning was 289.4 - not quite one pound less.  In all, I have lost almost 26 pound so far.  I need to just keep doing what I am doing and let the weight loss come as it may.  

My fasting glucose has continues to be lower.  Many days there is room for improvement, but I am well plased with the numbers this past week. 

I needed to meet with my doctor this week about getting medication refills.  We did it vertually.  This is the first time I had met her.  To my surprise she welcomed me seeing a functional doctor!!  So, not only is my chiropractor on board, now my medical doctor is as well - which is kind of unusual.  Very thankful for this good news this week.  

37 days low carb and NO Diet soda, just water (Yuck).  30 days dairy free.  

Thanks for following.  I appreciate the encouragement.  

Monday, November 23, 2020

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

Here is a quick update for you.  I don't like long posts anyway. . . The Good - my fasting sugar levels have begun to come down into the normal range.  It's not every day, but most days now I am under 120.  Saturday it was 90 and Sunday was 87! (Today it was 121).   I am not going to celebrate too much yet.  I would like to give it a few more weeks of "normal" first.  

The Bad - my weight loss has slowed considerably.  I am hoping to have lost a pound this week when I weigh in on Wednesday.  This is typical.  I need to eat more veggies and maybe less altogether.  I continue to eat like before, but maybe just too much of what I am eating.  I have started a post about what I eat but it isn't near completion yet.  I will get it out soon enough. 

The Ugly - Water.  Well, not really.  But, this week I did crave something other to drink than water.  I think the real ugly would be preparing to eat Thanksgiving and Christmas meals, etc.   As I type I can taste the filling/stuffing/dressing and mashed potatoes.  Sigh . . .  I need to remember to look at the big picture.  I can do this! 

Thanks for following. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Weigh-In Wednesday #5

 Week #5 is finished today and it's hard to believe that I have lost all but 25 pounds since I started.  Today's weight is 290.2!  I was really hoping to be under 290, but I'll take what I get.  From now on, it will be more of a one or two pound loss per week I am afraid.  But, even so, IF I COULD lose two pounds per week until the end of the year, I could be in the 270's starting 2021!

Now I must remind you AND me, that the goal of eating the way I do is NOT to loose weight.  It is to heal my body and to be healthier.  The weight loss is just a residual of what I eat.  

I ran out of test strips which should be here soon.  So, I will update sugar levels in a future post. 

Also, a number of people ask me what I do eat.  I am working on a post on my meals and what I eat.  I think it is kind of boring, but I do know some people want to know.  So, look for that post coming up.  

Thanks for following.  

Monday, November 16, 2020

Week Five Update

 Just to keep you updated . . . Things continue to move along with my new diet.  Today I am 33 days without any beverages other than water (yuck).  Oh, there has been a few tries of some sugarless options, but nothing to my liking.  So, I just "suffer" through the water.  

This is week 5 of the diet without carbs and week 3 of no dairy.  This has been my issue lately.  I have found a plethora of what looks to be good recipies for low carb eating.  But, most use cheese as a binder or as a big part of the main dish or heavy cream or cream cheese.  I don't know if this will become a way of life for me or not, but I hope not.  I do want to be healthy, but, for an extrovert like me, food is huge and it isn't just to sustain but to enjoy.  I do wish I could enjoy some more dairy.  

I continue to see a little weight loss here and there but this week might be a little less than in the beginning.  This is normal and I really don't want to loose too much too fast.  But, it is fun and encouraging to see the pounds come off.  We will officially know on Wednesday what my weight loss this week will be.  

My blood sugar levels seem to be quite constant.  I still would like more "normal" numbers in the morning.  They are much lower than when I started, for which I am grateful.  

My joints don't hurt quite as much for the most part.  Yesterday was the first Sunday in a long time that I didn't take any ibuprofen.  The extra walking does take it's toll eventually, but I can definately see some improvements.  

Until Wednesday . . . thanks for following.   

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Weigh-In Wednesday #4

This will be a quick post as I am going with my wife and daughter today to see the show Esther at Sight and Sound theater. I will post a picture later as I am traveling as I write this but my weight is down almost 4 pounds since last Weigh-In Wednesday - 292.8. Again I was kind of surprised at the amount but happy at the same time, obviously. So far I have lost almost 23 pounds.

My fasting sugar this morning was 136 which is continually getting better and better each day.

For some reason last night was a very difficult night in my eating regime. I was not hungry at all but really had desire to eat certain things.- maybe a chip or pasta or something? I was able to resist, thankfully. I just have to remember why I do these things.

Thanks again for following along.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

No More Standing

Oh my, it has been almost a weOek since I posted here.  And, I don't have a lot of time to post today either.  But, I need to chronicle this, if for no other person but me.  

So, last Thursday was the first time I truely sat down for any length of time.  I had been at least a week.  Every time I sat down, my back would tense up.  It would keep me from moving for long periods of time. 

The only relief I got was standing and laying down.  The church even bought a stand for me so I didn't have to sit to work on the computer!  But, my back had been feeling better and I decided to keep my Doctor's appointment.  It's an hour drive to the office.  Thankfully my Chiropractor wanted to learn more about my treatment with Turnpaugh Health and Wellness and offered to drive me there and back!  

The trip went well.  No issues getting out of the vehicle and then I sat for an hour with in the doctor's office and then another 45 minutes with a nutritionist.  Long story short, I have been able to sit down since.  

Something was different on Friday morning.  I even commented to Jana and the ladies in the Chiropractors office that when I woke up, something had changed.  I couldn't pinpoint it, but it was a different feeling.  And beginning Saturday, I have been able to get around better.  Not good, yet.  But, better.  It is amazing how that also makes my emotional side feel better as well!  

The Doctor told me to continue to stay away from carbs, gluten and dairy.  I can have eggs.  So, it is like a Whole 30 diet I am told. All I know is that the dairy part has been missed the most.  

With the execption of this morning, my morning sugar has been 140 or below since Friday.  This isn't where I want it, but it is much better than the 190 - 220's I was getting a month ago.  

I am still only drinking water (yuck) but is growing on me.  All of this seems to be working.  My hip still hurts at times, but I almost didn't bring the cane with me today.  

Okay, I have to go.  Tomorrow is Weigh-In Wednesday.  I think we will all be smiling when you see the results (unless my scales are like the pollsters in the presidential campaigns and off by a lot.)  We will be leaving early for the day (Jana has off and we are taking Ella for the day).  I will try to update on my phone.  So, be on the lookout.  

Thanks for following.  

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Weigh-In Wednesday #3


It’s Weight-In Wednesday! I must say I was pleasantly surprised at the number when I stepped on the scale this morning. While I didn’t know it was going to be a good week I didn’t know how good. As you can see from the picture below I am now down below 300! I have now lost 18 1/2 pounds in three weeks. I Didn’t think that I would’ve lost 5 1/2 pounds this week but it is what it is. :-) I am not as hungry lately and I really don't eat as much.  Not eating dairy is frustrating, but I guess it is necessary for the best interest of my health.  

For the first time on Monday I had somebody asked me if I was losing weight. That’s also a good sign as usually the first 10 or 15 pounds are a lot of water, etc.

Speaking of water(yuck), today is the 21st day I I have been without any diet soda of any kind!  I do feel like it’s becoming a way of life and even though I desire to drink some thing other than water, it’s beginning to grow on me. Still don’t like it but, I got to do what I Gotta do.

My sugar numbers continue to stay low however, this morning my glucose number was a little higher than I wanted it to be. I’m sure that will come in time.

I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. I’m sure I’ll have more information to share then.

Thanks for following. I’ll post to get on Friday.

Monday, November 2, 2020

No Dairy and Stay Off the Scales


The weekend went well. At least as far as my eating is concerned. My back actually held up the entire weekend with the exception of one short issue Sunday morning. I have a chiropractor appointment again today and I’m hoping that it continues to feel better. It’s not good, mind you. And, I can’t even say that it’s OK. But, it’s better than it was when we started over a week ago. And, I can’t even say that it’s OK. But, it’s better than it was when we started over a week ago.

My blood sugar has been consistently lower the last three days for which I am grateful. It is still not till the normal level, but, it is to a place right now that it’s at least not going to get me in trouble.It is still not till the normal level, but, it is to a place right now that it’s at least not going to get me in trouble.

One of the hardest things not to do for me other than not eating carbs and not drinking diet soda is not getting on the scales in the morning. I haven’t been good in that department but I’m also encouraged at times when I do. I’m looking forward to wWeigh in Wednesday again this week.I am a bit surprised at the numbers so far but we will see you officially in two days when I weigh in.

Last week I told you about the fact that my functional doctor told me that I shouldn’t eat dairy products at this point. That’s been one of the hardest things over the last three days. Salads just aren’t the same without some kind of cheese on top.

I again want to thank those people who have followed along in this blog. Especially those who walk up to me and/or comment on here or on Facebook with an encouraging word. It does mean a lot. It’s fun to go to church and bump fish with people who are following and who are of encourage me for a long time not to drink diet soda etc  I also enjoy talking to those people who have been encouraged to start a new lifestyle after reading this blog. It is really really encouraging to me.

Health in Amazon
