Let's take the whole water thing for instance. Soon after I started this diet, I ordered a cheeseburger sub (pre having to be dairy free) at our local Original Italian Pizza restaurant. When the bill came, the waitress, who knows my favorite dishes quite well, commented, "Joel, this is probably the smallest bill amount I have ever made for you." She was right! She didn't charge for the bun that I didn't get and, I think the biggest savings was that I got free water. Normally I would have picked up two Diet Mt. Dew bottles (2 for $3.00 plus tax). When you subtract that from my bill, the savings begin to add up. And, if you go most places you will pay $2.50 or more for a soda. So, if I eat out three times a week (It used to be more. More on that later.), That's a savings of at least $8.00 a week for 4 weeks or $32.00 a month!
That doesn't sound like a lot, but, it helps. And there is more. I said I used to eat out more, I wasn't kidding. It's much easier for us as a family to eat from home do to the dietary restrictions on all of us. So, we have to be careful when we eat out. Which means we don't eat out as much. Even if we save on one meal a week, that's at least $30 per meal for the family multiplied by 4 weeks is $120. Now we are up to $150.00 per month!
But, it doesn't stop there. . . Pre lifestyle change I would stop at the local convenience store to pick up a breakfast sandwich or two and two Diet Mt. Dews (and that was when I was trying to save some money. Usually I bought more than that.) My bill was usually at least $9.00 or more. Let's say I did this four days a week times 4 weeks, my monthly total was AT LEAST $144. Now the savings is close to $300 a month.
I am ashamed to say these things. But, it is the truth. There are more savings but this is enough for now. I'll post again soon about it. In the end, what is something you could give up if you had to change to a restrictive diet? I dare you to be honest. Share in the comments below if you would.
Looking forward to Weigh-In Wednesday. Thanks for following.