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Friday, November 14, 2008

An Open Letter from Nineveh

I am writing from Nineveh. I need your help! I know you are the one God has chosen to help me and long for your presence. I can't wait to see what God is going to do here. I have been alone for a long time and can't wait to share my life and my ministry with someone who loves God and love me. I think things will be different for both of us but if God is in this, we will make it - and i know you know that.

I am not the only one from this fair town who is looking forward to your arrival. I have been surrounded by so many great people who are so excited about you coming to be my help mate. The people that I minister to here will just love you.

Thank you for following God in your trek in life - a trek that led you to me. Thank you for being willing to go, even when you have to leave so many poeple and things you love. Thank you for being you. I love you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i really am glad to have u in Ninevah i know the underwater jail seems a long time but the Dec 13 date is soon

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