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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thanks to My Youth Worker

I am told that today is "Thank a Youth Worker" Day.  I am not sure who is behind this, but, it is a nice idea.  Anyway, because of the day, I would like to write about a youth worker who was really influential during my life.

When I was growing up, youth pastors were few and far between.  I don't think I know of a church in Central PA who had someone being paid to work with the kids.  What we did have was Campus Life and Campus Life leaders who were supported by people and churches to minister to youth.  Dave Hummel was my Campus Life leader. 

I basically met Dave at lunch at school.  He was there talking and encouraging kids.  I also saw him after school at games and many different activities and events.  Campus Life was held in different homes throughout the area so Dave was able to get to talk with parents and kids alike.  I enjoyed Campus Life, especially all the different events they planned.  But, my favorite thing, believe it or not, was the early morning before school Bible study that Dave led for a few of us.  We talked and prayed and learned a lot.  Dave would often drive to pick me up and take to Bible study.  These were extra times for me to learn and talk. 

I would like to publicly thank Dave for being there for me.  For taking time to drive me to activities, listen to me after everything was done and encourage me in my walk with God.  He was a servant and mentor and continues to be to this day.  Thank you Dave for doing what you did and what you do!

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