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Friday, August 31, 2007

Richfield, PA Water Authority Humor

I don't know if you know it or not but, Pennsylvania is in a drought watch. So . . . Alvin, our town's Water Authority Staff person, has posted on their website a few thoughts on water usage. I really enjoyed his humor. I hope you do too. Go here for the entire advisory. Here is the list (I italicized some words for emphasis - everything below is copied from the richfield water website):

Some thoughts:

1. Keep your cars clean(use car wash, automatic shut
nozzles on hoses and buckets)
2. Keep the flowerbeds pretty
3. Take care of fall vegetable crops
4. Teenagers should
limit themselves to three showers a day of not more than 55 minutes each

5. Cooking water (potato water) or aquarium water is good for plants- aquarium water is probably not good for cooking, even though it has less

5. Have a glass of water with your morning coffee and do talk about this at the Restaurant, Bank, Post Office, Ruth’s Beauty
Shop, and where ever else you might be because I want to save postage and your
neighbor may not know about this.
6. DEP web site for drought
information is “Drought”)
7. One more; if you see water where it doesn’t belong, contact me. Email

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