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Sunday, January 6, 2008

Faith Based Weight Loss

While I don't want this to become a weight loss blog, I was intrigued by a short part of an article on Smart Diet Tips. As a youth minister, I was please to see the following:

The best place to drop pounds may be your own house of worship. Researchers
set up healthy eating and exercise programs in 16 Baltimore churches. More than
500 women participated and after a year the most successful lost an average of
20 lbs. Weight-loss programs based on faith are so successful because there's a
built-in community component that people can feel comfortable with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joel, whoever told you that not eating after 6 is a good idea was correct. I recently dieted and went from 230 down to under 200 lbs, and the best results came from not eating late. Another easy thing to do that many people overlook is to increase your water intake. Make sure you are drinking a lot of water and even fruit juices are good for you. Good luck with your endeavor and we are all cheering for you!

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