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Monday, July 27, 2009

Daily Goals

A very good friend of mine challenged me to have goals that need to get done each day of the week and try to stick to them. "Iron sharpens iron" and I think this is a good idea. I also know ME VERY well and know that this isn't going to be easy. There will probably be some tweaking, but this is a start. Structure is NOT something I used to but I am really going to try.

Goals for Sunday: Regular church, evening church or 1:6 group services.

Goals for Monday: Staff Meeting (including sending out email about Sunday Service), Wednesday prep. (including sending out phone tree & Facebook), Update Youth Facebook page, and contact two kids and one leader. Any left over time will be used for meetings, other church responsibilities (office, visiting, outreach planning, etc.), and church camp prep./planning. I will try to make this an every Monday ritual. Also, I have a Church board meeting the last Monday night of the month and a council meeting the second Monday night of the month.

Goals for Tuesday: One on one meeting with Paul or Aaron, contact service participants about Sunday's church service, Contact at least two students and one youth leader, Wednesday night prep (announcements and games, etc.), Youth group schedule planning (retreats, Impact, outreach, fellowship, etc.). Any left over time will be used for meetings, other church responsibilities (office, visiting, outreach planning, etc.), and OCC prep./planning.

Goals for Wednesday: Prepare room for Wednesday night, Finish prep for Wednesday night, Contact as many kids as possible at lunch (When school's in session and other ways during the summer months), Wednesday night youth group meeting. There isn't usually a lot of time left over.

Goals for Thursday: Day off

Goals for Friday: Church service prep, clean up youth room - if necessary, contact at least two students and one leader, Update Youth Facebook page, Any left over time will be used for meetings, other church responsibilities (office, visiting, outreach planning, etc.), and church outreach event planning

Goals for Saturday: None. However, this day can, and usually will be used for getting things done that didn't get done during the week.

Other things I have to plan/get done: Monthly Youth Staff Meeting, Outrach events (Highway 35), Mission trip planning, and I am sure there is more.

Details are not my strong point so I am sure I have missed a bunch of things that need to be done. This also doesn't personal study, and things that I consider volunteer ministry, such as teaching Sunday School, Praise Band, sound tech, and other stuff. I know almost all of you don't care about this stuff. This is one of those posts that are for my benefit only and I hope people will help to keep me accountable.

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