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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Let Us Hear Both Sides

There are a lot of people who argue for and against Intelligent Design and Evolution. It can be an emotional issue and one that may never be settled in America. Years ago evolution was banned in the schools and only creationism based on the Bible being inerrant was taught. However, it seems that today only the evolutionary theory is allowed and there is very little discussion on any other theories.

Now a new movie, "Expelled. No Intelligence Allowed", (you can also see a trailer here) is getting ready to be released (April 18) that says it "blows the horn on suppression" of those who disagree with the evolutionary theory of the creation of the world. I have posted about this before and I have not seen the movie, yet, but I am looking forward to it - now more than ever. Why? Because so many "Big Science" people are against it. Go to the "Get Expelled" Blog and check out the links of those who are upset. I don't know if people are suppressed if they go against big science or not. But, I would like to hear from those who think they are. When it comes to theories, I would like to think all sides should be heard. I admit that I would side myself with Intelligent Design. And, I know there was a time when evolution was totally suppressed. However, it seems like the opposite is happening. I don't know about you, but, in America, we should have the ability to hear both sides.

Go see the movie and then tell me what you think.

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