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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Spring Is Coming - Geese!

The past three days I have heard a lot of "honking" around the office. The geese are flying by. This morning there were three "V's" (I don't know what they are called) of them, one right after another. There were hundreds of them. I am always fascinated by this event and how they work together to make it easier on each other and how God has created them to know where to go and when. I took a picture this morning but you can't see anything but clouds. So, I found the following picture on Google images. Thought it was interesting.

Click here to see more pics.


Anonymous said...

I was just commenting to a coworker this morning how I heard Canadian geese on Monday and how it was a sign that spring is on its way.

I can only hope that there won't be any more snow until next winter!

Anonymous said...

"Skein" Joel-for flying geese.

skean or skeane \ˈskān\ : a flock of wildfowl (as geese or ducks) in flight

Pronunciation: \ˈga-gəl a flock of geese when not in flight

Joel Snyder said...

Thanks to anonymous for the word for flying geese. I guess I could have looked it up myself, but I am glad someone else was willing to do it.

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