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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Tony Dungy, Podcast and Jim from Friday Night

I really enjoyed last night. Josh has some of the videos that we saw on his blog - funny stuff. Check them out.

Tony Dungy seems like an incredible man and I really appreciated his talk. He seemed sooo humble and his love for God showed. He related how his football mentor, Chuck Knoll, encouraged him in his coaching and he challenged those in attendance use the same principles:

*Learn your craft.
*Make it personal by being yourself. Take a personal interest in your kids' lives but you can't have the same game plan for each kid.
*Take time to recharge. Rely on Christ and walk as close to the Lord as possible.
*Trust in the Lord when you experience setbacks.

Then last night I went to the "live" Simply Youth Ministry Podcast. It was fun to see all of those people live. It went well over an hour and then end had some really fun stuff. I really appreciated the end the most because I got to see that Doug and friends made/make the same silly mistakes that I have/do. Thanks guys for being transparent last night.

I also got to meet Jim from "Jim's Blog Space". I is nice to finally see him in person. Much taller than I thought.

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